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“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves.”

Amelia Earhart

We consider this our greatest achievement with our theater company, and are pleased to offer our Kindness Initiative as part of our theatrical programming.

We know and understand that children love to make an impact, especially on the big world around them. It is our hope that we can inspire children to make their world a better place, to help them have a positive impact on their world.

After each performance, we will task our audiences with performing an act of kindness, inspired by something in our play (a theme, a character, an idea, an action, a phrase or sentence, etc), to make their world a better place.

Schools will be sent our Kindness Guide, which will have ideas and thoughts for inspiration/age appropriate projects and activities, generally themed as well as themed to each production.

We would invite our visitors who are looking for additional information to consider looking up the Jewish value of "tikkun olam", or "healing the world". While we are currently not a "Jewish theater", this notion of healing the world applies to all, regardless of your beliefs. We can all learn to give, to help those in need, to help those who need help for any reason. Compassion, tolerance, kindness, these are values that we should all be learning and positively acting upon, no matter our age. And we can learn this life changing value at any age. One resource:

We invite our audience members to share their projects and ideas with each other on our facebook page. We hope we can inspire each other, build upon each other's ideas, and support each other. Each person matters. Children, and adults, of all ages are welcomed and encouraged to participate!

Kindness Initiative: Text
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